The “Me Time” Myth

I’m not a mom, but I helped raise a couple of kids who became pretty good adults no thanks to me time syndrome. Awesome blog!

Your Mom Has A Blog

We moms are always talking about “Me Time.”  We seem to spend a lot of brain power thinking about it and how to get it.  I even recently saw a red carpet reporter whose sole assignment was to ask celebrity moms how they get the all-important Me Time.  And, each celebrity had different answers.  Pedicures and coffee were favorites.  Lunches and going to the gym were mentioned.  Basically any activity that doesn’t involve the children can qualify, although if doesn’t involve the children OR the husband, then it is really considered a treat.


And I know why we say this.  It’s because being a mom is tiring.  And draining.  And some days it’s not all that fun or even interesting.  Being a mom requires lots of hard work, lots of putting others first, and lots of doing things that you don’t necessarily feel like doing.  So, when we have been…

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Published by

Captain Gimpy

An intellectual wanderer and cinema enthusiast. Ronald Brady (Captain Gimpy) has been a web designer, videographer and video editor who is currently taking deaf studies courses in the intention of parlaying them into a graduate degree in Disability Studies in the hopes of becoming a better advocate and a better human. He currently spends free time watching and reviewing films for his own cinephilic pleasure.

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