

Doña was your title

Juanita was your name

To me, you were just Lola

A woman whose gentle face

Betrayed the soul of an angel

Whose presence was the glue

Of our humble family

God’s Divine grace shone

Always in your eyes,

And the strength of that Divine Grace

Bridged continents and hemispheres.

The week you were to pass,

You came to me in dreams,

In phantoms of my mind,

To touch my face one last time

In the hopes

That I would keep that tenderness

The seed that you planted in my soul,

Your grace manifest

Will continue to grow

Enhanced by Zemanta

Published by

Captain Gimpy

An intellectual wanderer and cinema enthusiast. Ronald Brady (Captain Gimpy) has been a web designer, videographer and video editor who is currently taking deaf studies courses in the intention of parlaying them into a graduate degree in Disability Studies in the hopes of becoming a better advocate and a better human. He currently spends free time watching and reviewing films for his own cinephilic pleasure.

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